AWS Cloudwatch is a cloud-based monitoring service that provides insights into the cloud infrastructure. One of its features includes Event Rules, which are fired when an event happens on AWS or in third-party services and applications. In this tutorial, we will go over how to set up cloudwatch event rules for beginners!
First, create the Lamba function in Python 3.8+.
The code is given below.
import boto3
import json
# Enter the region your instances are in. Include only the region without specifying Availability Zone; e.g.; 'us-east-1'
region = 'us-east-1'
def lambda_handler(event, context):
ec2 = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=region)
response = ec2.reboot_instances(InstanceIds=['i-0b2ee644e39a220e3'], DryRun=False)
print('Success', response)
Please replace the region and instance ID which is based on your requirement.
Then create a CloudWatch Event rule as displayed in this video
We hope that this guide has given you a better understanding of how to use AWS Cloudwatch Events and Rules for your business. If there are any features or areas in the service we didn’t cover, please let us know below!