What are the top 10 YouTube channels to follow for learning DevOps in 2024

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What is DevOps?

DevOps is a software development approach that combines software development (Dev) and information technology operations (Ops). The main goal of DevOps is to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. DevOps aims to increase collaboration between development and operations teams, automate the build, test, and deployment process, and enable faster delivery of features, improvements, and fixes.

Some of the essential practices and principles of DevOps include

  • Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)
  • Automation of the build, test, and deployment process
  • Collaboration between development and operations teams
  • Use of version control and configuration management
  • Monitoring and logging of systems
  • A focus on security and compliance

Why companies are looking for more and more DevOps Engineers

In recent years, companies of all sizes and industries have been increasingly seeking out skilled DevOps engineers to join their teams. There are several reasons why DevOps has become such a sought-after profession:

  1. Speed and agility: DevOps practices enable organizations to deliver faster and more frequent software updates and new features to customers. By automating the build, test, and deployment process and fostering collaboration between development and operations teams, companies can reduce the time it takes to bring new ideas to market.
  2. Quality and reliability: DevOps emphasizes the importance of testing, monitoring, and logging, which helps to ensure that software is of high quality and reliable. By adopting DevOps practices, companies can reduce the risk of errors and failures, and improve the overall user experience.
  3. Cost savings: DevOps can help to reduce the cost of software development by automating repetitive tasks, reducing the time spent on manual processes, and minimizing the impact of errors and failures. This can help companies to be more competitive and to better allocate their resources.
  4. Talent and skills: DevOps requires a diverse set of skills, including software development, automation, testing, and operations. As such, companies are seeking out individuals who are skilled in DevOps to help them stay competitive and meet the demands of the marketplace.

Overall, the adoption of DevOps practices has become increasingly crucial for companies looking to stay agile, deliver high-quality software, and remain competitive in an ever-changing business environment. As a result, the demand for skilled DevOps engineers is likely to continue to grow in the coming years.

What is the DevOps learning path?

There is no one-size-fits-all learning path for DevOps, as the specific skills and knowledge needed will depend on an individual’s background, goals, and the needs of their organization. However, there are some general steps that people can take to start learning about DevOps:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the principles and practices of DevOps: This might include reading articles, books, and online tutorials to get an overview of what DevOps is and how it is used in the software development process.
  2. Learn about relevant technologies and tools: DevOps relies on a range of tools and technologies to automate the build, test, and deployment process. Some examples include version control systems (e.g. Git), configuration management tools (e.g. Ansible), and containerization platforms (e.g. Docker).
  3. Gain practical experience: The best way to learn DevOps is to apply it in a real-world setting. This might involve working on a personal project, participating in a hackathon, or completing an internship or job that involves DevOps.
  4. Consider further education and certification: Many courses, bootcamps, and certification programs can help to deepen your understanding of DevOps and give you the skills you need to excel in your career.

It’s important to remember that learning DevOps is an ongoing process, and there is always more to learn and explore. By staying up to date with the latest technologies and best practices, and by continuously improving your skills and knowledge, you can build a successful career in DevOps.

Top 10 YouTube channels to follow for learning DevOps

Here are ten YouTube channels that may help learn about DevOps:

  1. Learn DevOps: The Complete Kubernetes Course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R17V7iBPjE0
  2. Cloud Academy: https://www.youtube.com/user/CloudAcademyCom
  3. tutoriaLinux: https://www.youtube.com/@tutoriaLinux/videos
  4. LearnCode.academy: https://www.youtube.com/user/learncodeacademy
  5. Docker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTFZFxd4hOI&ab_channel=ProgrammingwithMosh
  6. CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]: https://www.youtube.com/@cncf/videos
  7. Coding Tech: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtxCXg-UvSnTKPOzLH4wJaQ
  8. Jenkins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFDrDnKPOTg&ab_channel=Simplilearn
  9. The Coding Train: https://www.youtube.com/@TheCodingTrain/videos
  10. Google Cloud Platform: https://www.youtube.com/@googlecloudtech/videos

I hope these channels will help learn about DevOps. It’s always a good idea to do your research and find resources that work best for you.

How To Get DevOps Jobs?

Here are some tips that may help get a DevOps job:

  1. Build your skills: To get a DevOps job, you should have a strong foundation in at least one programming language and be familiar with a variety of tools and technologies used in DevOps workflows, such as Git, Docker, and Kubernetes.
  2. Gain experience: To stand out in the job market, you should try to gain as much practical experience as possible. Consider contributing to open-source projects, building your projects, or interning at a company that uses DevOps practices.
  3. Network: Networking is an important part of finding a job. Attend industry events and meetups, join online forums and discussion groups, and connect with professionals in the DevOps field to learn about job opportunities and get advice on your career path.
  4. Tailor your resume and cover letter: When applying for DevOps jobs, make sure to highlight your relevant skills and experiences in your resume and cover letter. Emphasize any projects or experiences that demonstrate your ability to work with the tools and technologies used in DevOps.
  5. Practice for interviews: Prepare for interviews by researching common DevOps interview questions and practicing your responses. Consider finding a mentor or joining a study group to get additional support and feedback.

I hope these tips are helpful for your job search. Good luck!

What is the expected salary range for a DevOps engineer?

The salary range for a DevOps engineer can vary depending on several factors, including the individual’s level of education, experience, and location. According to data from Glassdoor, the national average salary for a DevOps engineer in the United States is $119,364 per year as of January 2021. However, salaries can range from $97,000 to $147,000 per year, depending on the specific job and company.

It’s worth noting that salaries for DevOps engineers can vary significantly depending on the industry and location. For example, DevOps engineers in the San Francisco Bay Area tend to earn higher salaries than those in other parts of the country. It’s also worth considering that salary is just one aspect of a job offer, and other benefits such as health insurance, vacation time, and retirement savings plans can be important considerations as well.


In conclusion, DevOps is a rapidly growing field that is focused on improving the collaboration and communication between software developers and IT operations teams. By automating and streamlining processes, DevOps practitioners aim to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software development and deployment. A career in DevOps can be rewarding for individuals who are interested in technology and want to work in a dynamic, fast-paced environment. With the right skills and experience, a DevOps engineer can expect to enjoy strong career growth and a competitive salary. Overall, DevOps is a rewarding and exciting field that offers many opportunities for growth and advancement.

By the way, I have a personal playlist for DevOps-related videos which you can find here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGxjtQ8V9xA&list=PLJ9C0C2QkEVH2azrDcm4hfLSW_XJ9qGDO and


Atiqur Rahman

I am MD. Atiqur Rahman graduated from BUET and is an AWS-certified solutions architect. I have successfully achieved 6 certifications from AWS including Cloud Practitioner, Solutions Architect, SysOps Administrator, and Developer Associate. I have more than 8 years of working experience as a DevOps engineer designing complex SAAS applications.

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