AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) is a powerful tool that allows developers to interact with Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources from the command line. It can be used to manage various AWS resources such as EC2 instances, S3 buckets, RDS databases, and more. In this blog, we’ll discuss the top important commands for AWS CLI that every developer should know.
aws configure
The first command you should run after installing the AWS CLI is aws configure. This command helps you configure your credentials, default region, and output format. You need to provide your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key, which you can obtain from the AWS Management Console.
aws s3 ls
This command lists all the S3 buckets in your AWS account. It is a simple and quick way to verify that you have access to the S3 service.
aws s3 cp
The aws s3 cp command is used to copy files from your local machine to an S3 bucket or from an S3 bucket to your local machine. This is a useful command when you need to transfer files to or from an S3 bucket.
aws ec2 run-instances
This command is used to launch an EC2 instance. You need to provide the instance type, the Amazon Machine Image (AMI), the security group, and the key pair name. This command is the starting point for launching EC2 instances.
aws ec2 describe-instances
This command is used to get information about your EC2 instances. You can use this command to get information about running instances, such as the instance ID, instance type, public IP address, and more.
aws rds create-db-instance
This command is used to create an RDS database instance. You need to provide the database engine, instance class, storage type, and other configuration details.
aws rds describe-db-instances
This command is used to get information about your RDS instances. You can use this command to get information about the instance status, endpoint, and more.
aws lambda create-function
This command is used to create a Lambda function. You need to provide the function name, the runtime environment, the code, and other configuration details.
aws lambda invoke
This command is used to invoke a Lambda function. You can use this command to test your Lambda function and get the output.
aws cloudformation create-stack
This command is used to create a CloudFormation stack. You need to provide the stack name, the template file, and other configuration details.
These are the top important commands for AWS CLI that every developer should know. These commands will help you manage various AWS resources from the command line, which can be useful when you need to automate your AWS workflows. AWS CLI is a powerful tool that can save you time and effort, and these commands are just the beginning of what you can achieve with it.