Top 5 Skills Every MLOps Engineer Should Master

In today’s data-driven landscape, Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) is increasingly becoming a critical function. Bridging the gap between machine learning model development and operations, MLOps ensures the smooth deployment and scaling of these models in real-world scenarios. As such, the role of an MLOps engineer is indispensable. But what does it take to excel in this field? This post delves into the top five skills that every MLOps engineer should aim to master.

Deep Understanding of Machine Learning Models

For an MLOps engineer, a superficial understanding of ML models just won’t suffice. They need to delve deep.

Why it’s important:
While the primary responsibility of developing ML models lies with data scientists, MLOps engineers are often the ones handling their deployment. Understanding the architecture, intricacies, and potential pitfalls of these models can save a lot of heartache down the line.

Challenges in Deployment:
Every ML model, from regression algorithms to deep learning networks, has its quirks. For instance, deep learning models can be resource-intensive, requiring specialized hardware like GPUs. On the other hand, ensemble models like Random Forests might take up a significant amount of memory. Being cognizant of these aspects ensures that the model runs efficiently in a production environment without any hiccups.

Proficiency in Cloud and On-Premises Infrastructure

In today’s cloud-centric world, a thorough understanding of various cloud platforms and their offerings is a must for MLOps engineers.

Cloud Platforms and MLOps:
Leading cloud providers such as AWS, GCP, and Azure offer a plethora of tools and services tailored to machine learning. AWS SageMaker, GCP AI Platform, and Azure Machine Learning are just a few examples. Being familiar with these platforms allows MLOps engineers to effectively utilize their capabilities, be it automated training, hyperparameter tuning, or model deployment.

On-Premises Infrastructure:
While the cloud is the rage, many enterprises still operate significant on-premises infrastructure, either due to data sensitivity, regulatory compliance, or latency concerns. An MLOps engineer should be adept at setting up, maintaining, and scaling ML workflows in these environments. This includes understanding hardware requirements, networking nuances, and potential bottlenecks in on-premises setups.

Mastery of CI/CD and Automation Tools

The automation of ML workflows through Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) is fundamental for a streamlined process.

The Role of CI/CD in MLOps:
CI/CD practices enable automated testing, validation, and deployment of ML models. By ensuring models undergo rigorous testing and are deployed seamlessly into production, CI/CD minimizes human errors, enhances model quality, and speeds up the delivery process.

Popular Tools:
There’s a myriad of tools that facilitate CI/CD for MLOps. Jenkins, for instance, is a popular open-source automation server that can help automate various stages of ML pipelines. GitLab CI, on the other hand, offers a comprehensive CI/CD solution integrated into the GitLab ecosystem. Another notable mention is Argo, which focuses on Kubernetes-native workflows, making it suitable for containerized ML deployments.

Knowledge of Monitoring and Logging Systems

Once a model is deployed, the job doesn’t end. It’s imperative to monitor its performance and ensure it’s providing the desired outputs.

Why Monitoring is Crucial:
Machine learning models can drift over time. Data changes, anomalies, or unforeseen inputs can affect model performance. By actively monitoring the model, MLOps engineers can catch such issues early and take corrective action, ensuring the model remains robust and accurate.

Tools and Techniques:
Various monitoring and logging tools cater to ML workflows. Platforms like Prometheus offer robust monitoring capabilities, whereas ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) provides a comprehensive logging solution. Incorporating these tools into the MLOps workflow ensures that engineers have a clear line of sight of the model’s behavior and can quickly diagnose issues.

Strong Communication and Collaboration Abilities

Beyond the technical, MLOps engineers often find themselves in a unique position – at the intersection of data science and IT operations.

Bridging the Divide:
Data scientists and IT operations teams often have differing priorities and viewpoints. The MLOps engineer plays a pivotal role in mediating between these two, ensuring both teams align towards a common goal – deploying and maintaining robust ML models.

Effective Communication Strategies:
Clear communication is crucial. Whether it’s translating the intricacies of an ML model to the operations team or conveying infrastructure constraints to data scientists, an MLOps engineer needs to articulate issues and solutions effectively. Regular sync-ups, documentation, and cross-team training sessions can further foster understanding and collaboration.


The realm of MLOps is vast and continually evolving. As the bridge between machine learning development and real-world deployment, MLOps engineers play a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless integration of AI solutions into our daily lives. By mastering the skills highlighted in this guide, aspiring and existing MLOps professionals can stay at the forefront of this exciting domain. However, the journey doesn’t stop here. Continuous learning and adaptation to new tools, techniques, and best practices are the hallmarks of success in MLOps. Embrace the challenge, and lead the charge in making AI accessible and efficient for all.


1. What is the primary role of an MLOps engineer?
An MLOps engineer is responsible for automating, deploying, and monitoring ML workflows, ensuring that ML models are efficiently transitioned from development to production.

2. Do MLOps engineers need to be proficient in coding?
Yes. While they don’t necessarily have to delve into the intricacies of model development, they should be familiar with scripting and programming languages like Python to automate workflows and manage deployments.

3. How does MLOps differ from traditional DevOps?
While both focus on automating and streamlining processes, MLOps specifically addresses the challenges associated with deploying and maintaining ML models. This includes dealing with model versioning, data drift, and model monitoring.

4. Are certifications available for MLOps?
Yes, many institutions and platforms offer MLOps certifications. These can be beneficial for those looking to validate their skills and gain a competitive edge in the job market.

5. How often should a deployed model be monitored or reviewed?
Constant monitoring is crucial. Anomalies, data drift, or other issues can arise at any time. Regular reviews, coupled with real-time monitoring tools, ensure that the model remains efficient and accurate.

Atiqur Rahman

I am MD. Atiqur Rahman graduated from BUET and is an AWS-certified solutions architect. I have successfully achieved 6 certifications from AWS including Cloud Practitioner, Solutions Architect, SysOps Administrator, and Developer Associate. I have more than 8 years of working experience as a DevOps engineer designing complex SAAS applications.

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