Discord: How to Log Out of All Devices

Discord, a widely used communication platform, has become integral to the online experiences of gamers, communities, and businesses alike. While it excels in connecting people, maintaining the security of your Discord account is paramount. There may be times when you need to log out of all devices, whether for security reasons, after using a public computer, or when a device is lost or stolen. This guide will walk you through the steps to ensure that your Discord account remains secure and accessible only to you.

Understanding Discord’s Security Features

Before diving into the logout process, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of Discord’s security features. Discord offers several layers of security to protect user accounts. These include two-factor authentication (2FA), which adds an extra layer of protection beyond just a password, and the ability to monitor active sessions across different devices.

Regularly updating your security settings is crucial. It’s recommended to change your password periodically and enable 2FA if you haven’t already. These practices significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your account, ensuring that your private conversations and data remain secure.

Step-by-Step Guide to Logging Out of All Devices

Logging out of all devices on Discord requires a few simple steps. This can be done through both the desktop application and the mobile app. Here’s how you can secure your account by logging out from all devices:

Via Desktop:

  1. Open Discord: Start by opening the Discord app on your computer or accessing it through a web browser.
  2. User Settings: Click on the user settings gear icon, usually located at the bottom left of the screen, near your username.
  3. Access Security Tab: In the user settings menu, find and click on the ‘My Account’ tab. Under this, locate the ‘Logout All Sessions’ button.
  4. Confirm Logout: Clicking ‘Logout All Sessions’ will prompt a confirmation dialogue. Confirming will log you out from all devices except the one you’re currently using.

Via Mobile App:

  1. Launch Discord App: Open the Discord app on your mobile device.
  2. Navigate to User Settings: Tap on your profile icon, which is usually in the bottom right corner.
  3. Select ‘My Account’: Scroll through the options and select ‘My Account’.
  4. Logout All Sessions: Just like on the desktop, tap the ‘Logout All Sessions’ button and confirm your action.

After completing these steps, your account will be logged out from all devices, enhancing your account’s security.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While logging out of all devices on Discord is generally straightforward, you might encounter some issues. Here are common problems and their solutions:

  • Problem: The ‘Logout All Sessions’ button is not working.
    • Solution: Ensure you have a stable internet connection. If the problem persists, try restarting the app or clearing the browser cache.
  • Problem: You’re unable to access the account to log out.
    • Solution: If you suspect unauthorized access and can’t log in, reset your password immediately and contact Discord support for further assistance.
  • Problem: You logged out, but still receive notifications.
    • Solution: Sometimes, notifications may linger for a short time after logging out. If they persist, check if any other devices are still logged in or restart the device.

Enhancing Your Discord Account Security

Logging out of all devices is a good practice, but there are additional steps you can take to further secure your Discord account:

  • Create a Strong Password: Use a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols in your password. Avoid common words or easily guessable combinations like birthdays.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): This adds an additional security layer, requiring a code from your phone in addition to your password. To enable 2FA on Discord, go to User Settings > My Account > Enable Two-Factor Auth.
  • Regularly Check Active Sessions: Discord allows you to see which devices are logged into your account. Regularly review these and log out of any unfamiliar sessions.
  • Be Cautious with Third-Party Integrations: Only connect to trusted third-party applications and regularly review your connected apps.

What to Do After Logging Out

After you’ve logged out from all devices, there are a few steps to consider for ongoing security:

  • Monitor Your Account: Keep an eye out for any unusual activity. If you notice something suspicious, change your password immediately and review connected devices and apps.
  • Update Your Recovery Information: Ensure your email and other recovery information are up to date. This will be crucial if you need to reset your password or recover your account.
  • Contact Discord Support for Suspicious Activity: If you suspect your account has been compromised, contact Discord support immediately. They can help secure your account and investigate any unauthorized access.


To help users further, here are some frequently asked questions about logging out of Discord and account security:

  • Q: Will logging out of all devices remove my message history?
    • A: No, logging out of all devices does not delete your message history. Your messages will remain intact.
  • Q: Can I log out of individual devices instead of all at once?
    • A: Currently, Discord does not offer the option to log out from individual devices remotely. You must log out from each device manually or use the ‘Logout All Sessions’ feature.
  • Q: What should I do if I forgot my password after logging out?
    • A: Use the password reset feature on the Discord login page. Ensure you have access to your registered email address to receive the reset link.
  • Q: Is it necessary to log out of all devices frequently?
    • A: Regularly logging out can be a good security practice, especially if you access Discord on public or shared devices. However, if you mainly use private devices, it’s less critical.


Logging out of all devices on Discord is a simple yet effective way to manage your account’s security. Whether you’re doing it as a routine security measure or in response to a lost device, it’s an essential step in protecting your digital identity. Remember, regular maintenance of your security settings, like updating passwords and enabling two-factor authentication, goes a long way in safeguarding your account.

Atiqur Rahman

I am MD. Atiqur Rahman graduated from BUET and is an AWS-certified solutions architect. I have successfully achieved 6 certifications from AWS including Cloud Practitioner, Solutions Architect, SysOps Administrator, and Developer Associate. I have more than 8 years of working experience as a DevOps engineer designing complex SAAS applications.

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